Friday, January 6, 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy - Blogs

Here we go again!  This years's blogging challenge is "52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy"

The Topic for Week 1 – Blogs: Blogging is a great way for genealogists to share information with family members, potential cousins and each other. For which blog are you most thankful? Is it one of the earliest blogs you read, or a current one? What is special about the blog and why should others read it?

I'll admit it.  I don't blog as often as I should.  Offline life has a way of getting in the way and derailing me from my passion.  It's a shame as both writing and genealogy ARE my passions. Offline life has allowed me one of those unexpected breaks so perhaps I can catch up on what I like to do.

Since my joining Facebook and becoming involved, I have "met" many different Geneabloggers.  They are a great bunch, supportive and inclusive.   There are as many different blogs out there as there are authors.  Pick whatever slant you want to give on anything remotely genealogical in nature and there's a blog for it!

I'm not going to say that I'm most thankful for the following blog, as I'm thankful for everyone's efforts.  If one is smart, one will continually learn.  If I read a blog about research in the North East or the West, I'm sure to learn something I don't know.  If I read one about Appalachia (my personal favorites), I will generally be reminded of something.  That being said, Appalachia Ponderings holds a special place in my heart.  When you read what Gen has to say about those old mountains and the people who lived there, you can almost smell the pine on the wind or hear the birds.  The creek is there to dip your toe in and supper's being cooked.  

If you have people in from Appalachia and are feeling homesick or if you don't and want to know why it's so special, visit her blog.

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